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Astra ECU

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Paul22118 | 19:20 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | Motoring
6 Answers
Has anyone a knowledgeable opinion as to whether a malfunctioning ECU on a carburetter type 1.6 Vauxhall Astra would affect petrol supply to the engine.


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Well yes .. as it controls the petrol injector triggers/duration.
If you have a no start, check the key/chip and sensor .. they are linked with ECU. If the key is not correct chip, or sensor around barell is not connected or incorrect one, ecu will not allow a start.
in reality ECU's very rarely go wrong, its just easy to blame problems on them also they have a 'get you home mode' so if fails completely the vehicle should still run all be it a bit rough ie low revs.
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Thanks for answer m8. It is an 8 valve job with carburetter. Not injectors, this is why I am confuzzled.
not 100% but i believe even the carb has a form of injection,single point Ford call it not sure about Vauxhalls. I am assuming its an electric fuel pump,they are usually controlled by a relay, this can fail

If you're loooking for ideas .. it helps if you can state whether it has no spark or no fuel!

Try Fuel Pump relay as one of the first checks .. pretty sure Astras/Corsas have them.
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Finally got to the bottom of it. Running out of petrol and the failure to start the folowing morning was pure co-incidence!

Bottom line is this. The woodruff key on the timing wheel had slowly come loose and the wheel was then in free fall. New timing wheel, camshaft sensor, key and correctly timed equals a happy Astra. Thank God. Total outlay £350.

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Astra ECU

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