The court rooms aren't listed on the internet because the information would probably turn out to be redundant anyway.
When you arrive at the Court building, printed lists of the cases to be heard are displayed on the public noticeboard. They sometime show which Court each case will be in but it's not unusual for no specific Court to be assigned at the start of the day. Even if there is, the details might quickly change. For example you might see 'R v Mabel Smurfchops' listed in Court 4, before Mr Justice Wotsit. However, while sitting in the waiting area, you might well hear a loudspeaker announcement saying "Will all parties in Regina versus Smurfchops please go to Court 2. Please note the change of Court. All parties in Regina versus Smurfchops should now go to Court 2". When you get there, you find that Mr Justice Twizzle is now presiding over the case.