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What's In Your

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ttfn | 13:02 Sun 13th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
pocket, right now ?


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I've not long been in from the garden so I have a lighter, a couple of rubber bands and a pile of empty seed packets.
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In your dreams, f&s ☺
Barmaid - you have better weather than have I today - wet and windy on the south coast. Good luck with the germination
I have tissues stuffed in the back pocket of my skinny jeans - and they are making my bum look big (well thats my excuse)...(:0 (
I'm just wearing a towel at the moment...
pics, or it didn't happen.
^^^ perv! lol

ttfn, I've been in the polytunnel so the weather doesn't matter so much. Got my first three seeds just coming though. Exciting!!
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Hey DEN - if you fell and landed on your btm (heaven forbid) you could be grateful for the extra padding. At least you are dressed - unlike some of our pals today ☺
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Of course Bm! I had forgotten about that - Christmas purchase i recall? I trust it is well anchored!
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Bouquet of roses, large box of Thorntons and a restaurant table do not come cheap Steve.
just a hanky in my pocket.
Nothing just now, however... my house keys are in my coat pocket - which is at work! Grr!
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Oh dear Lore - since my door key snapped off in the lock in January, I never go anywhere without 2 sets on me now. Once had my handbag locked in the office overnight (a long story, and not my fault) so was without some of my meds, money and cards. I was furious! It will never happen again ☺
2 buttons, a tissue,a trebor mint and of course......fluff.
the princely sum of 12p
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Your pockets are larger than I had imagined, Mamya - Murphy will not be pleased ☺
DT, not caring much for your idea of 'princely' lol

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