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all answers are family members e.g parent, brother, sister, etc

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hopwood3 | 11:48 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Sir John had a simple role in this (5,8)
The story of Angela,s daughter aand the dictator (7,5)
disperses the smoke, and keeps out the rain (5)
Instrumental backing for Crystal,s hit (7,6)
Minnie was a drama (3, 8-2-3)
Any help really appreciated it needs posting offf. Chloepoe


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Ryan's Daughter (Sir John Mills)
Minnie... The Daughter-in-Law
Angela= Hitler's Niece
Question Author
Thank you so much, I had googled the Hitler one and disbelieved it (stupid me)
Don't blame you! You're welcome.
Oh - are the answers all film titles? Didn't know that.

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all answers are family members e.g parent, brother, sister, etc

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