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Ok, so it's Valentines.

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Bbbananas | 08:56 Mon 14th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
And a happy day to all those I adore. Which includes some of you on here.

Ok, so it's commercialised rubbish and it's what happens the rest of the year that really counts, but hey.... have a good 'un anyway peeps - single, married, divorced, inbetween, alone, crowded... whatever.


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(And sqadlet, my OTL, a very public thank you for a very erotic weekend. The basque fitted perfectly. And the colour really suited you...) x
have a good one yourself Salla x
salla....I daren´t mention the underwear as "you know HOO" will br complaining, but yes, the weekend was magnificent.....thanks again.
Question Author
Mmmm. you know hoo boo did have a point over on the dentist thread. You should not take the mick - she is a formidable adversary...!! I know you are full of admiration for her really - just cos she has a weak point (dentist's drills - ouch, not uncommon).

Anyway, Happy VD.

<<<<she is a formidable adversary...!! <<< to 99% of CB, but not to me!!!
I am still here you know!

Not quite sure what ive done lately to get your knickers in such a twist (see what i did there?) this time sqad, but lay off it a bit eh? I'm bored of it.

<<<<<I'm bored of it<<<<<

So why reply.?
Because I was mentioned!
-- answer removed --
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He didn't get it from me.
Hope you got loadsoluv salla; I got a loooong awaited ♥ phone call :)
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Nah - he dumped me for dancing with another man. I sort of flew at him flying elephant-stylee trying to do the Dirty Dancing lift.

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Ok, so it's Valentines.

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