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Raising Kids

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Notveryhappy | 14:04 Mon 14th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
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Is rasing a 2 and half year old and newborn as hard as people are making out?


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LJDKSA - You really just hit the nail on the head. I'd would love nothing more than to keep this baby and have another wonderful little baby to look forward to. I just wish others would be happy for me.

Others peoples opinions matter to me a bit too much i think.

I'm worried about not coping and becoming a snappy mother to my eldest.
I'm rubbish with no sleep (i know this is the same as for most mothers)

I feel as though i'll be forcing my daughter to grow up faster and guilty as though i'll be replacing her.

I worry that even the small things, such as walking to the shop will be a major struggle with 2 children.

Just a huge struggle all round really.
These reasons all seem so trivial, but i'm quite an anxious person anyway.
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Also as me and my partner aren't getting on, that we spit and i'm left with two children alone. he is a great dad and i know he'd help, but is this really good enough.

Why should i just 'plod on' in life if i have a choice?
I am glad you booked a g.p appointment, from personal experience i can say i found my councillor very helpful, a few years back and it helped me with my decision making. I wish you all the best in whatever decision you make x.
I think it's the anxiety that needs treating rather than the pregnancy, imo. It sounds as though your mum is quite supportive, but if you have told her you have some doubts, she is trying to protect you. My mum would do the same I think. If you told her you were keeping the baby, she would come round to the idea. My mum said similar things to me each time I was pregnant (I have 4) and loves them to bits anyway.
I am not anti-abortion, but in your case, I'm not convinced that's what you really want. Try telling everyone, whose opinions matter to you, that you are definitely going ahead with it. They will be more likely to give you support then, instead of options. This doesn't commit you to anything, but will give you a chance to really think things through yourself.
apart from your mum which other "people" are making these comments?
Having 2 is easier than just one child. They a companions & playmates; perfect age difference as elder can help & teach younger. You've already got baby things so less expense. As a lone mother you're entitled to independant benefit income.

You've may never do so again ?
I am not anti-abortion. Sometimes it is exactly the right choice to make.
BUT, you have to be sure that it is the right choice for you. It is final and something you will not forget.
It really does sound from your responses as though you are far from sure.
If you possibly can, try to find someone 'neutral' to talk this through with.
I'm sure your Mum wants what she thinks is best for you, but she wouldn't be the one going through with the abortion.
To directly answer question. Yes it is hard, but millions of people managed it without anyone coming to any harm.
Good luck.
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I'm keeping it.
Can't go through with it and there are certainly worse things in life than a new addition to my family.

Thanks for all the answers xx
I have 3 kids. I didn't find it much harder. It was only the laundry that bothered me..
I have 2 boys 13 months apart and whilst it was physically demanding when they were small, having 2 is definitely easier in the long run as they are good companions for each other. Glad that you have decided to keep it. You didn't sound convinced, and that isn't a decision you can afford to be unsure about and go ahead with.
Well done for making a decision.
I am sure you have made the right one for you.

All the very best for your future. I am sure you will manage, millions do.
As I said earlier, not going to comment on the rights and wrongs but you have my very best wishes.
Very best wishes xxxxxxx

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