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What was your worst thing you Googled?

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mrs_overall | 14:48 Wed 16th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
In relation to the thread on lips, I googled "deformed lips". What a mistake. All those ladybits pics have put me off my lunch, urgh!


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:0/ x
I once googled 'Supergrass' as in the band for some info......musy have typed in something with 'ars' at the end and it went straight to a page that gave my then computer, which was running on some naff anti virus set-up, a HUGE and really bad virus, ( Red flashing lights everywhere and a voice saying " You have a virus" and that when i called in a mate, who's as knowledgable about computer IT as our own Chuck, and it took him about an hour to get the piggin' thing off..........the good old days.
From then on ALWAYS use a professional Firewall and Anti-virus system. No problems since.

So dont mis-spell Supergrass! :0)
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Most disappointing ...
I think you need a therapist, naz
Or at least a holiday, Lake Tahoe is nice this time of year.
I have NOT googled ANY of the sites mentioned on here
altogether now ''What a good boy you are Ron''
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well thanks for that you guys n gals, just had to didn't I and now I feel well sick !!! Spent ages flipping back and forth spouting eeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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