I wish too alba and anne but there are not enough of us to make a difference and I do not think I shall see it in my lifetime - mind you there isn't much more of it left (my lifetime I mean). You might see it in your lifetime. When I was at work there was a woman there who used to send birthday cards and presents to the queen. Can you believe it?
I thought it was you're as young as the man that you feel alba and unfortunately I am too old to attract one now. Although I have an acquaintance who is 72 and her bloke is 50. So who knows? With regard to the monarchy I think we are stuck with them but it will be interesting to see what happens. What we need is a leader like Cromwell but I think that would be nipped in the bud before it got a chance to develop.
No craft we are too "civilised". Although someone did chuck paint over Charles and Camilla's car recently didn't they (it wasn't me honest your honour) so maybe . . . .