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A Night night Song everyone♥

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Mamyalynne | 02:30 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I feel each of us are helping each other now and then, long may it continue.


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Night Night Mamy xx
Nice choice as ever, Mamya. You truly are the matron of AB and look after us all. Long may you reign ♥
Night night mamya and all. Off to watch a film for now.
Nighty nighty :-)
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Night Ummmm and Ena ♥
I may be up a while yet, Mamya - need to get that BP down before bed time (and the miniscus in the bottle ☺)
Enjoy your film Jan - Whisky Galore?
Good night to all you nice people., x
Same to you, young Society ☺ Sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
Whisky? Disgusting stuff. A pirate copy of the Kings Speech but don't tell anyone. It's a secret, schhhhhhhhhhhhh.
> Whisky? Disgusting stuff.

Can't agree. I absolutely love it! It's the water of life (literally)...
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Missed out goodnights to AP, Mark , Society and Jan ♥

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A Night night Song everyone♥

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