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Everyday is a school day...

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Zammo | 07:04 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
When was your last "school day"????? Mine was yesterday. I found out that "buff" is a colour of raffle ticket. I would have said light orange but nope the proper name for it is "buff" in other words nude. My mate just recently learned that ducks do not turn into swans and I once thought that your luggage flew abroad on a seperate flight...doh!!


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Hi Zammo, well there is a saying that says you learn something new every day .....seems like you are doing just that !!
You have a mate that thought ducks turned into swans? How old is he?
Question Author
Would you believe me if I said 33!
haha, bless. ;)
i woke up this am...trying to remember what intrathecal was ?
anne.....and what is it?
sqad..... google it ?
I am 47 and until recently thought that the islands next to Australia (towards the top right - is that NE/NNE?) were not New Zealand.

I also thought that Bristol was on the south coast - when did it move?
Wolf - Bristol is not warm enough to be on the south coast. Besides, we have a different accent.
Very politically incorrect here... but its only in the last year that I discovered what the schoolyard insult of 'Flid' actually meant... and I'm 28.

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Everyday is a school day...

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