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Happy Birthday jb190281

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ttfn | 07:31 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I chose this version because you are now a threesome!
Have a great day jb ♥


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that was lovely ttfn, thank you!
Happy birthday xx

Any plans?
Happy birthday jb, hope the three of you have a lovely day :o))) xxx

jem Media URL:
happy birthday jb.............did i miss the name of of wee one ? jem, how did your operation go ? sorry ttfn,
my only plan is to eat open pressies, eat cake, and have plenty of cuddles from mini me!
anne,As well as can be expected, but after 40 mins I was exausted & there's quite a bit more to do. They will send for me again in a few weeks. (groan)
(sorry to intrude jd)

happy birthday jb, have a lovely day :o)
poor jem.
Have a very Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday jb. Hope you have a lovely day. xx
That made me smile ttfn - not lol - just a happy grin. I'm sure jb must have done the same. Happy birthday jb and many more of them.
Happy birthday, I hope you are having a lovely day
A rather belated Happy Birthday greeting, JB!

I love your new avatar!
Sorry I'm late jb, but I hope you had the best Birthday Ever!................x

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Happy Birthday jb190281

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