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To sit or not to sit....Men Only

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carlton23 | 11:25 Thu 17th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
A question asked by Jason Mansford on TV, "When you pee, do you stand or sit?" Personally I stand, but, what do you do?


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If I need to take a steamy dump (as well as a p!ss) I sit - can't be bothered with all that re-positioning. I learnt the hard way to keep the pink bazooka pushed down during the p!ss.
His 'n' Hers toilets?
...having said that, if I spot one of those nameless brown skids down the inside of the bowl, I stand (in order to try to p!ss it away).
Isn't sitting a bit uncomfortable?
Sorry to sound simple, but why do women always expect the loo to be left ready for their use? Do men never complain that women leave the seat down and they have to lift it?
I believe there is a campaign in Germany to encourage men to sit when they pee.
Apparently they think it more hygienic (presumably there's less spillage!)
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To sit or not to sit....Men Only

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