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Amazing What People Send To Me Via Email

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ttfn | 22:32 Tue 22nd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I am so not going to apply for gym membership this year :o(


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well ttfn ccording to an e mail i had today i have won $25 million dollars in the texas state lottery..if i send an admin fee of £50.00....i tghink ill give it a miss lol x
Are you going to buy a pole for your livingroom then? {:¬)
Stokey, reply and tell them to send the money but deduct the £50.00, no make it £100.00 for their trouble and inconvenience. lol
Question Author
Dave - what you never have, you will never miss ☺
gran - i would need the whole house to be surrounded by sufficent scaffolding poles to attempt that. I wouldn't even trust the lamp standard right outside ☻
sorry wrong thread.
Damn, no right thread! Hmmmmmmmmm
Question Author
Evening society - you feeling ok dear?
Why dont I get any off these e-mails?
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Be careful what you wish for moony! i could not possibly post all of the links I get. I know some right head cases ;o)
Hello TT, how are you feeling today? Everything alright? ♥♥♥
Have y'all seen this one ?
Question Author
Not sure how I feel today society, I went to bed about 9 last night and (after an hour's break about 4 a.m) I slept through to gone 1 p.m. today. Just a little zombied out now, thanks for asking ♥
Awwww TT, have a coupl glasses of wine, you'll feel better. xx
You have a bunch of loony friends Ena?? Never would have thought that.
that was some sleep. ttfn.was it medicinally induced ?
Question Author
wolf - that was more entertaining than paul Daniels!
Mamya - did I call them loony? Rubbish allers finds its own level, dontcha know? ♥
Evening anne - only the usual sleeping tablets. literally, on prescription. I just wish they always worked like that. But i didn't sleep at Big Sis's over the weekend, and they were 2 very long nights.

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