Has anyone any advice about buying shares for my 2 yr old grandson. We have saved about £5,000 in a regular saver but the interest is pitiful after the first year.
Thought of a tracker, but it is hard to compare charges as all the websites seem different.
Are there tax implications if I ask my daughter to get it (in trust for him). She is a non-tax payer, her OH pays higher rate.
You can use Children's Bonus Bonds, via National Savings, Glasgow. There is a limit of £1000, I think, per 5-yr-phase, but good interest. I'll try and find a link.
Thanks, I looked at that but the interest is not as good as NR's Little Rock account paying 3% with instant access. Even that doesn't match inflation though, so shares might be better.
can't really help you with shares, but my children have these and they've done really well. Get regular bonuses on certain birthdays etc. Hope you find something suitable.
Why not give your bank a call and ask to see the financial adviser. You are not committed to doing anything but they should explain your options to you and what any risks are.