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toilet gel v's bleach with easy squirt top

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what..the? | 01:23 Wed 23rd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I get the bleach usually but thinking of getting the gel for a change because it stays on the bowl sides longer, what to other people prefer?

Sorry this is such a random question but just interested....waiting for the eco freaks to say they just use lemon.. ermmmmm


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Surely if you flush the toilet it disappears whether its bleach or other!
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well I like the apply and then leave for a while to do 'it's thing'
We use the gel duck discs quite good loo always looks clean and smells clean...mum poud bleach down over it once though it dissolved so dont haha x
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the squirty gell is pants, doesnt seem to get rid of scuzz line

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toilet gel v's bleach with easy squirt top

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