I dont tell anyone here any of my buisness any more - I moved house once during a break and did not tell them!
As someone once said 'tell them nothing let them buy a programme'
I bought to crossbred puppies two years ago and never told her or anyone else in the office. She has two pedigree dogs and again she goes on about how good they are.
The funny part is my two when they were puppies went to a fun dog show. Came back with four rosettes! 1st, 2nd and two 3rds! Hers havent won anything. I secretly felt very smug.
No icemaiden you're not alone. It's intensely irritating- why is it that so many people who have kids/grandkids think we want to hear about their offspring? Ditto that for women and their pregnancies. Also boring.
LOL I'm sure it wasn't, Icemaiden. It's just that pregancies are a bit...icky...and you don't want to be hearing about people's inner workings when you're trying to enjoy a pack of jammy dodgers at elevenses