Would you ever consider drinking mouthwash for its alcohol content? That doesn't include accidentally swallowing a mouthful when you are using it normally.
Which drinks would you only sup as a last resort because they taste so darn awful?
This is only for fun, so no rechabite lectures please!
Chris, such a knowledgeable and helpful neighbour would be very welcome indeed.
Bibble - your op has reminded me of a local meeting place of the I O R long since disbanded. I wonder how upset the Rechabites were of the naming of wine bottle sizes after biblical characters?
This thread reminds me of when my daughter drunk a whole bottle of mouthwash about a year ago. Fortunately it was kids stuff and she was playing with her cousin and drinking it cap by cap. She ended up spending the night in hospital after throwing up for hours. She freaks out in the supermarket now when she sees the same bottle so I am confident she'll never do it again!