No, Milly - you aren't sad. Increasingly I've been noting the 'twos' (can't of course hear 'blues'!) going past ours, and haven't decided whether there are more incidents, or whether our emergency services are just getting a bit siren-happy.. Sometimes it sounds like the East side iof Chicago outside here, and this too is a 'quiet' neifgbourhood. Where are you, milly? I'm in the Isle of Man.
I'm in London this weekend so it's probably not surprising there are so many but it does seem alot! I'm up to 13 now. Although it is a busy road outside so 10 of them were probably just police bored of sitting in traffic. :o)
These are the things I have been excited about this week:
Monday - Taking some paperwork to the GP.
Tuesday - Banking some cheques for work.
Wednesday - Going to the co-op to get magazines to do the puzzles in.
Friday - Going for two glasses of wine, two games of pool and a burger afterwards. I am now suffering for my games of pool.
Your evening sounds positively riveting by comparrison.