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Worst night ive had in a loooooong while

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tinkerbell23 | 00:45 Sun 27th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
U really wont want to know it all u wud b sorry u asked. Argh. Just feel v v stressed.

Hope u hav all had a better one than me?. Cheer me up pls! Ha xx


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Oh Tink, we all get those hun and doubt there is anything I could say to change it. But tomorrow is another day hun.
You're getting no sympathy from me until I know what has happened for you to deserve it.
ok i wont ask but have posted on your post in music
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Aaah....huge row with mother. Been stuck in all weekend...which is a diff story hahah xx
Make friends at once. Apologise if necessary. Apologise anyway, even if it was her fault. Just remember, you only have one mother and you will never get another one. It will make you feel much better.
Cheer up Tinks! You'll feel better tomorrow when you wake up. Remember mothers only mean well for their children. They might not always be right but they always have good intentions.
you sound just like my grandmother star. lol
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Ur right starbuckone.....but im not this time. My dad wound up involved too he usually sticks up for mum but tonight he really stood up for me. She was unreal. I really dnt even want to look at her now never mind apologise but your morals are in the right place. Im afraid i have to stew a while yet hehe. Xxxx
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I know say i was patient...but tonight i struggled to control myself i really did i cant actually say i controlled myself verbally.... I didnt :0(

But i swear i was seeing red!!
Well, I am old gran, but not quite that old, although I hope to be in the future. It's just that I know how foolish it is to quarrel. I don't mean you shouldn't disagree. You aren't going to have the same opinions all the time. But do not let the quarrel go on any longer than you can help. Supposing she died before you could make up and you had to go through life knowing that you were bad friends. No. Never let the sun go down on your wrath is a good saying to live by.
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Very good advice starbuckone. Im just not ready to b pals yet. Haha. But good advice i absolutley agree. Ive been pushed that bit too far tonight - probs a number of things and its came to a head....gave me a cracker of a sore head to match!! X
Me again! Tinks, I know how you feel but I am speaking from experience and a very long life. My brother and I had a blazing row and didn't speak to each other. He had a heart attack and died before we could make friends so that now whenever I think of him I think it is too late. I made up my mind that I would never quarrel like that again. I do not let myself be a doormat, but you have to try and get to a place where you can say what you mean without it becoming a screaming match. With practice you will get there.
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How awful starbuckone, and thanks for sharing that with me. I absolutley agreee and i do need pratice at this , im a taurus you see stubborn as a bull right enough. Xx

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