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rubik's cube

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mollykins | 13:02 Sun 27th Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Can anyone do these?

after scrambling one beyond my capability I had to use a website tutorial to fix it and am now only doing 3 or 4 twists at a time now . . .


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Back in the day, I used to pull it apart and re-construct it and then show off to all my mates that I'd done it.
no - in the days we had them, we never had websites.
I was never able to do more than two sides. I had a friend who could complete it in less than 5 minutes though.
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There were probably books about it . . .
yep, probably, if you could be bothered. It seemed too much like hard work to me, but my nephew was about 9 at the time and he cracked with a child's logic, very easily.
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Because it's the kind of thing where you have to think ahead about what you can do once you've done a certain move, do you think people that are good at rubik's cubes are good at chess and that kinda thing?
My friend who could do it was a maths genius, he was also a trainspotter. lol
I picked one up the other day and it took a whole 30 seconds before I got bored of it.
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Is the best way to gradually do more and more twists until it's completely scrambled. But with only 3 or 4 twists there are always 2x2 squares and whole rows left so it's really easy . . . But I have to scramble it without looking then rotate the whole thing several times in the hand, else i can see how i did it and where to start, so it's hard to scramble it without having those chunks left together.
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I could never do more than 2 layers but that's because I'm not very spatially aware. In its day I bought a book that showed you how to solve it.
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Was the book huge? On the website i found you colour in a net of a cube with the colours you have in the pattern you have and it shows you step by step how to do it with pics aswell.
No actually it was smaller than an envelope and less than a cm thick. It looked like loads of algebra inside but reasonably easy to follow.
Who sits in the corner saying "Is that it,is that it" ?

Stevie Wonder with a Rubiks Cube
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You deserve your username d.g. !
Thanks molly.
Having received your approval,I now feel that my life is complete.
Regards dg
Molly all grandads are daft, its part of the job description!!
You,re so right alex !
I used to be able to solve one in about 30 seconds, but I doubt I've tried since the early 80s...

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rubik's cube

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