Hi,I have 3 Staffys they are clicker trained and are experts at tricks,as for the narrow minded people who say they will turn on the children because they are squabbling with each other,you need a reality check!!Staffys are the number one dog to have if you have children,look into the history of these dogs who where often left to babysit ones children while miners went of to the pits......
As for the two dogs fighting,Im afraid that getting your male fixed has confuse the little bitch into who is top dog,your males scent will of changed to her and she is trying to be top dog!!he is trying to put her in her place,but sounds like she is not being submissive..this is where you need to step in before they fight and let them know YOU are the top dog and will not tolerate fighting....this can be done with a simlpe squirt of water from a spray bottle and a command of NO!!also you should always put the males food down before hers..and he should always come first in everything you do with them.she will then get the message she is the botterm of the pack.....sounds harsh but that is the world of the dog..there is also a collar spray collar you can buy,they are remote controlled and they spray out lemon air....they are a fantatic tool to have but can be quite expensive and will correct any unwanted behaviour....good luck and never give up this is just minor compared to alot of dogs out there......A true breed staffy will never attack children,,,all the attacks out there are not Staffys but pit bulls who the owners pretend they are staffys as they are a band dog over here....everyone knows that right?!! :)