I have a telephone interview this week, for a job I really want. I have had many interviews before, however not a telephone one. Any tips on how to prepare for the interview? Seeing as im not in front of the interviewer, I thought i could write down a few prompts to best reply to the questions. Any of you guys had a telephone interview before, is it usually done on speaker phone with two interviewers or just one etc.
Dont come across as to rehearsed, be yourself.
No need to dress up wear comfortable clothes even sit on the floor.
Promts are a good idea to prevent you from stuttering and fallign over your words. Dont worry if you mess up, be natuaral.
If it helps but your fav treat food eg chocolate in front of you and "reward yourself! when youve finished. xD
The questions will be more scenario based than requiring direct answers, things like, give an example of a time when you have felt uner pressure or similar. They will want to hear about the way you have coped with past problems at work and the way to do this is to just try to recall real situations that will highlight the qualities they are looking for in a candidiate
Loads do, the job I have now started with a telephone interview, i also applied for jobs with 2 other national retailers and they both had the same format too. It is usually used at managerial level and helps to eliminate candidiates prior to face to face interviews