AB got annoyed when i tried posting my address in my thread.
[Darth, your html skills are improving, if still a little hazy, but that attempt still goes against what we are trying to do here. Please accept the rules and regulations - they are there for the common good! AB Editor]
j2buttonsw - it may lay in the lines of AB however there may be people with the wrong answer just after the link. Send me a mail and I'll more than happily send you the link.
Dear AB Editor. Whilst i will abide by your decision not to allow email address broadcasting, i wonder how you could effectively police it as you allow URLs to exist on AB, one link might be to a page which simply has an email address on it, for example. Do you check all the URLs also? [Darth emailed us with the same question and got an answer in the same way. This must be quite boring for everyone else. Sorry. - AB Editor]