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I feel awake!

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jb190281 | 12:29 Tue 01st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
For the first time since mini me was born, I feel awake, not so zombified (is that a word?!) - woohoo! I know it won't last but for today, I'll make the most of it!


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lol bless you jb, its very hard at times isnt it.

Just dont go tiring yourself out or overdoing things. Your body will soon tell you if you have. Have i missed Baby's name? xx
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So hard at times red, but I tell myself she's worth it and smile!

Her name is Sian
red i think it is ( sian ) but may be wrong, dont expect too much jb, take it easy , the housework will still be there next week ...
oh what a lovely name!
They are hard work, but yes so worth it.
Even at almost 3 years old, the youngest is still waking in the night, but worst was those first few weeks/months.
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Housework Anne?! That's always been, and always will be, OH's department
Awww jb, it will get better once Sian figures out the night and day thing. Lt Tiggs got the hang of it from about 2-3 months. He sleeps right through now.
awww those first few months when you smell of baby sick are always the worst, it will get better x
Oh I remember those days ! I used to freak when people would decide to "visit" and ring on my doorbell anytime after 6pm ! sssssssshhhhhhhhh I have a new baby, go away ! lol

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