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Any of your pets have funny wee traits or habits?

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tinkerbell23 | 02:16 Wed 02nd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Mines...pablo 1yr old (verrrrrry handsome) westie

Sleeps with a cuddly toy in his moutj every night. Soothes him. Its also the same size as him lol!

Also when we go out amd we have to leave gim in the livingmroommon couch he "mouths" at us...really playfull ....a little snap if u like as if to say "fek you" hahaha for leaving me in.....i love him to death xxxx


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My black rex rabbit snorts like a pig to show his disappointment in me not feeding his fat belly 24/7
Aw Tinkerbell, where do i start, haha, if mam is going out he goes and sulks on the stairs, he lies on one step with his head sticking out between the banisters with a sad look on his face.

Some nights he won't eat his dinner unless someone comes into the kitchen and watches him while telling him he's a good boy for eating his dinner haha
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Hahahaha that made me LOL pablo will sit for a bit of meat...but he keeps a fly paw up off the floor in defiance ...makes me laugh!!
Awww.. Bobby is also blooming terrified of squeaky toys!!!!
Any toy he has been given that has had a squeaker in has had to have been "operated on" haha little cat, brought a crunchie wrapper in the house the other day. He's still playing with it and carries it round in his mouth. He also has a thing for make-up brushes....chucks them about the room like a loon...
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Brian...cracking name!!

Pablo also sits and when he scratches his leg he cant help but stick is tongue out and lick the air!! I love it when he gets food on his nose too.

They bring us soooo much joy dont they our wee pets xx
Tinkerbell I can barely keep my eyes open, talk soon x
Take care xxx
Hugs to Pablo xxxx
We had a female Lutino Budgie that could talk (unusual for females) but her party piece was imitating a creaking door, so much so that we never oiled the hinges until she passed on, bless her.
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Bye hunny and luv n licks from pabs to u n bobby xx

Aww mama thats unusual for a girl! Clever gal!!! Hahaha animals are just a joy...except spiders n snakes haha x
All these made me laugh out loud, folks!
My cat Jim sits on the Other Half, and then pointedly looks across at me, as though to say that I could have had him on my knee, if only I were worthy.
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clare love it!!
aha if i hug my dad, pablo will sit on his shoulder like a parrot and try to kiss one o us...he gets a wee bit jelous ha or he will physically paw my face away!!

hes just a wee human man cut short with fur haha xx
I used to have a budgie that slept upside down in a food pot.

She was a rescue - I didn't know her age but thought she was an older bird. I brought her home, settled her in and went to bed. The next morning I found her head-first in the food pot, with her tail sticking upwards. I thought she'd passed away.

Got the shock of my life when I got hold of her and she started flapping her wings. (It was a nice shock, though). Every night she slept like that. She was the only bird I ever took in that did this.

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