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another just wondering

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Dee Sa | 12:24 Fri 04th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
how many hours to people spend on the A/B ? I usually spend a couple in the morning quite early as I get up around 7am and then if the tv isnt up to much I go back in the early evening to see if I have any answers except Sat & Sun when I cant answer the weekend crosswords by evening I return for help in the Crossword section.
How about you guys ?


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If I'm on my own in the office (which is most days) then I'm logged on all day. Then if I am on my own and have nothing better to do in the evening I'm back on here.

Note to self: get a life.
depends on how busy i am, right now i'm not :-)
Me? up at ( UK time) feed the cats, empty the dishwasher, put the crockery away and then read the excitement of the previous evening on AB. 30mins only then out for breakfast......that´s a start anyway ;-)
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Varies day to day. I usually knuckle down with work from 8.30am, then get a bit distracted for an hour or so and trhen check back in later on. Never more than an hour or 2. Sometimes 3 or 4 days may pass and I will check back in, all depends what I have got on (as in work not clothes!)
Or when you get suspended Pinki :-)
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bit like me a distraction to work, certainly day time that is true
I spend about 4 hours a day on AB, and must say I enjoy all the chatter.
In todays case, about 2 minutes as just got in and having a quick cuppa and a garibaldi before i go out again........nice weekend to you all....see next week.

yogi out xxxx
I have just started coming on regularly. Never used it much before..
Ive spent too long on here now, back to work. Have a great day - might pop in later!
I'm logged in all day but flit about here and there. I'm usually doing stuff around the house or popping out for about an hour or so but I do come back here to see whats occuring. I probably spend 3 - 4 hours in total during the day and around 2 - 3 in the evening.

I'm going to miss the daytime banter when I go back to work though :o(
Usually mid-afternoon, like now, before teatime pint at local. Then later at night when TV has become (more) rubbishy. Also check in to Archers message board, and Quizzes and Puzzles at the weekend for crosswords I'm stuck on.
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I'd rather not quantify how much time I spend on here, just leave it as too much.

It is way more interesting than housework or other boring chores.

I have quite a bit of work on at the moment though so my presence is a little more sporadic.

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another just wondering

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