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Daily Mail Tues 08.03.11

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denby04 | 16:16 Tue 08th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Struggled with DM's crosswords over the last week or but last one today. 25 down: Spain abandoned smoked dairy product (4) C?R? (with an explanation if possible. Many Thanks


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25d Curd-------------cured ( smoked ) less e ( spain )
COuld it be CURD ?
Cured (smoked) without the 'e' for Espana ?
Might be pushing it a bit...
Or on the other hand, if octogenarian agrees with me...Curd!
Curd ..... smoked = Cured minus E (spain)
Hi Mazie...long time no speak
Hi alex. certainly is. I miss our monthly squarebear quizzes. Perhaps we can sweet talking him into doing another for us. How are you? well I hope xxx
Very well, thanks mazie. I miss the quizzes too.

Are you going to go in for the Chase with Squarebear ? If so, that's the time to try to persuade him.
If you do go in for it and get on, all the best.
Hope you're well too..
not sure alex....I get nervous, so might just go blank on the day! I'll let you know if I do apply xxx

(sorry to highjack your thread denby xx)

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Daily Mail Tues 08.03.11

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