Unfortunately I can't recall any of the lyrics offhand. I'll have to watch the show next time it's on and listen again. It's a slow accoustic song which might be off the 'Surf' album, which I haven't got. I'm pretty sure it's not on 'The North Star'.
Rushing through the stars, captivated by the worlds beyond
So far, unknown
Floating in a car, past the gates of mustdestroy.com
You aren't alone
It's a small world and you've grown
(see http://www.killermontstreet.com/discography/surf/03.shtml for full lyrics )
Hi there, i can't find the album in any stores, the Roddy Frame sect is there, just never the album surf. For the meantime please could one of you supply me with the mp3 to 'small world,' i'm dying to listen to it and would really appreciate it. Please send to [email protected] if possible.