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where you holidaying this year?

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Bobbisox | 15:57 Fri 11th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
are doing a GB one or going somewhere else?

well, it's a tad quiet in here


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It is in Cornwall I think
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ooohhh wow, lovely
you should get lovely weather too in August BOO
Yeah Cornwall -)

We go pretty much every year, I adore it there. Usually go in July, but having to leave it later this year, so fingers crossed the weather holds!
Spain,Spain,Spain,Spain -all fabby -off on 3 April for 9 days :))))
2 weeks before off up north (Scotland) to our wee retreat up there for the weekend:)
Should manage Morocco in at some point during one of our Spanish jaunts.
Busy busy busy -got European city breaks in pipeline as well -hard lief someone has to do it :)

Loved Cornwall so much (someone mentiond it) -just like a different country -happy memories -we were based in Tintagel :)))

O and still waiting to see if im getting a Sun (newspaper) Caravan holiday -so could be Lake District soon woop !!!
Been to Spain this year (the rain in Spain was such a pain etc.) - Malta in the summer. Dris, the Morocco trips are still running, despite the concerns about Trouble Over There....
Off to Vegas , LA and San Diego.

Also you love Cornwall.
We have a holiday home beteen Bude and Boscastle on the North Cornish coast.
Winter months are my favourite time.
Never get bored with the 3 hour drive

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where you holidaying this year?

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