By and large I have good neighbours. The lady next door is 97. Every morning the Family / carers wake me with banging doors,shouting etc. Once awake thats it I'm up. I don't complain though. I wonder what noise I will get when she is gone and the house is sold. Better the devil you know.
I am a good neighbour until they upset me. On one side I have a lovely old lady of 92 who is a bit deaf and has her tv a bit loud but only for the news at 1 pm, 6pm and 10 pm so is ok. The other side was a different thing when I moved in. He is a very religious African man who loved to play his organ and sing hymns very loudly until I complained. Now he just sings the hymns now and again.
I have two dogs that bark like mad when I come back home, as both my neighbours have small children and would probably enjoy a lie in whenever possible I do not go for the papers before 9am on Saturdays [ dont get back before 10am] and 10am on Sundays [ back about 10.30am], they have never complained but I do come home after 11pm on two nights per week and the dogs go loopy so I try and more considerate at weekends.
I hardly make a peep and little Tiggs hardly ever cries so I'm probably quite a good neighbour. The only time I am noisy is when my parents are round and we have an argument and voices are raised.
I had a cow living next door to me a few years ago and she used to play her music so loud with heavy base, till 3 or 4 in the morning. After several complaints to the council by my and the neighbour on the other side of her she was taken to court and prosecuted.