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Eastenders just starting

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joggerjayne | 15:37 Sun 13th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Just heard the theme music.

Telly's in the other room.

Can I be arsed to go and turn it off?

Oh, boIIocks, it's Sunday. I'll turn it off if I get up to use the loo.


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just finishing JJ
rugby now on
Question Author
Oh, was it the end music?


How are ya, beejay?
i am dead on JJ - so i am
and your good self?
what will the score be?
Question Author
"dead on"

Is that good, or bad ?

I'm great, thanks. I miss our little exchanges.

Hang on ... didn't Ireland play yesterday? Or are u watching us, as well?
I turned the sound off, so as not to miss the start of the rugby warm-up.
and PS yes, Ireland did play yesterday, Wales won.
england by 15 ?
JJ-dead on is good
yup i miss our social intercourse too
Ireland got beat by wales y'day
Question Author
Oh, poop.

So no "big match" between England and Ireland ?

Question Author
I still haven't heard on ...

Oi, Rickeeee !!

Oi, Biancaaaaaaa !!!!!!
-- answer removed --
That's next saturday JJ, 5pm
Question Author
I'll listen out for it.
agree sprinter
the scots 'should' get hammered
But they are'nt

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Eastenders just starting

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