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Just for a laugh

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bibblebub | 10:58 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Try and keep a straight face (and I normally wouldn't watch a baby video with a bargepole).


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lol bibble, i normally steer clear too but it's quite irresistable this one!
There's an advert with some laughing babies, can't recall what for , but one has such a naughty chuckle it always makes me grin.
My youngest gradnson is fifteen months, and he laughs all day long. It is so infectious, I'd love to know what's going through his little mind!
Seen this before but couldn't resist watching it again. If you are feeling a bit down this is just the thing to cheer you up. His father laughing in the background is good too.
Its fantastic isnt it?

I had tears in my eyes watching this, what an ace laugh.
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As someone who doesn't ooh and aah over babies, I find this absolutely lovely!! A real tonic on what is today a dreary morning with bloomin' sea mist!!
someone posted a good one on my facebook today. I thought it would be the same one as this but it isnt so I must try to get it on here.
This one is great. Real cutie xxx

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Just for a laugh

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