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My last night of peace and quiet.....

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pussnboots | 21:44 Thu 17th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
the dos is back tomorrow. Has anyone missed him?


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Sleep well puss. x
FH = future husband (or former as the case may be!!) lol

It's a bit like a busman's holiday for me. I had a little diversion yesterday inasmuch as I had a matter to deal with in a Court nearby so it was my "get out of jail free" card. Trust me, bathroom plumbing would be a pleasant relief right now. I wouldn't mind so much but we have to have a 6 hour post mortem afterwards. Although because he is under oath tonight I have refused to talk to him about it. lmao.
I think doc is lovely and miss him every time he is suspended. Everyone else does too judging by the pleas to reinstate him. However, this time he is missing legitimately and no doubt we shall all hear of his adventures in the kitchen tomorrow or whenever he decides he is ready for the fray.
I'm looking forward to seeing the new kitchen. Doc will have made a super job of it.
I best not post a nighty night thread..LOL
so Goodnight all :-)
Goodnight Bobbs. Sleep well. x
Night bobbie.

Look forward to seeing docs posts and his big xXXXXXXXX
ooh to be for being absent or missed by one's absence.
DT is the book running yet?
Is he back yet?
any bets yet on the time he gets the Ed riled?

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My last night of peace and quiet.....

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