I'm getting a nose job (rhinoplasty) for my crooked nose. I'm a bit worried about what could go wrong. Is it a relatively straightforward operation? I had my nose broken in a fight about 10 years ago and it was never straightened properly.
It's still surgery, where you will have a general anaesthetic. All surgical procedures have some risk attached, but your surgeon should have explained these risks. If he did not, then you've chosen the wrong one.
Rhinoplasty is a relatively quick operation in comparison to others. I've had Liposuction a couple of times and the thing that worried me the most was the anaesethic. Fortunately it all went well for me.
Hope it goes well and you're happy with the results.
My son had it six years ago, he had no problems other than two very black eyes.Best money ever spent,he had trouble with his nose so it was more medical than cosmetic.Every thing will be fine,have faith and good luck.g.