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do we have any experts on tv memorabilia?? i need some help!

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hollie1586 | 21:02 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
have been given a load of original gerry anderson productions memorabilia and need some stuff valuing so i can get the right price for them.


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thanks eddie
If it's things from Fireball XL5 and Stingray it's probably rarer than the Thunderbirds stuff, or even Joe 90. Is it all boxed?
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I can still name all the angels.
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i have allsorts. i have original dinky toys from thunderbirds, UFO, space 1999, captain scarlet, the new avengers. there are original production film slides and original storyboard prints. i have a real picture of gerry anderson with his wife sylvia who was the voice of lady penelope. LP's of thunderbirds and i think i have one from stingray
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also got production celluloid prints from captain scarlet
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and production notes
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i am considering putting them is a specialist auction sale because there is just so much stuff
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Go for a specialist sale.
You can take them along to be valued prior.

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do we have any experts on tv memorabilia?? i need some help!

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