I have a cell. This cell contains the value 0. Another cell contains the number 10. Another the number 20.
I want to writ e formula that says:
If the number is 15 and over, return the word ABOVE, if it is below 15 then return BELOW, if the value is 0 then return N/A.
I can work out the IF formula for over and below 15, but HOW do I work out the N/A if it is zero?
But how do I get it to return the text values for the figure? It is three questions in one and IF formulas only allow one/two...I think I need to use the OR formula, but can't work out how it links in?
Here's another approach for you to try ...If you place the following formula in cell B1 and enter your values in A1 you should get the following results:
No value = "Enter a value"
A number less than zero = "BELOW"
Zero = "N/A"
A number greater than zero = "ABOVE"
=IF(A1="","Enter a value",IF(A1<0,"BELOW",IF(A1=0,"N/A",IF(A1>0,
Here's another approach using nested IF statements (I forget how many nests you can have but its quite a lot). If you place the following formula in cell B1 and your values in A1 you should get the following results:
No value = "Enter a value"
Less than zero = "BELOW"
Zero = "N/A"
Greater than zero but less than or equal to 100.0 = "ABOVE"
Greater than 100 = "Error" (eg 100.00001)
=IF(A1="","Enter a value",IF(A1<0,"BELOW",IF(A1=0,"N/A",IF(A1>10