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Good Morning All.

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moonraker558 | 06:01 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
It's the start of a new week and the refreshers club is open. I hope I speak for everyone on here by sending all of our thoughts and very best wishes to Welshyorkie and Sylvia and the rest of their family who have going through a terrible time for the last few days.


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morning moonie,well said m8 could not agree more!!
Morning bernie x

Morning trouble :)

Well said Moonie. I dropped in yesterday to see if I could find an update. It was Welsh's birthday yesterday.
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Hi Bernie & Alba, sombre start to the week but have to be positive i suppose.
You're right, If positive thoughts could fix people and the world AB would rule it surely?
Morning All!

'tis rare to be online this early.

Spare Ed
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One would like to think so Albs. Changing the subject before I knock off, dont go to the jokes section today, it was a long night and I think I got payed back.
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Morning ED. Best time of the day.
Morning Ed. Someone throw you out of bed?

Moonie, have you been at it again? :D xx
Not quite Alba! I've just been getting up oddly early recently. I think I'm showing my age these days.

Moon, there is a great feeling of having "one up" on everyone who is still asleep right now.

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Try about three in the morning in June or july when the first rays of daylight start to appear in the sky, mist lying in the valley and a warm day ahead . nothing better.
SShh Ed, don't say a thing about age in front of Moonie :)

I've just been over to the jokes and can hardly see the screen for tears of laughter......

3 in the morning moonie, ugh, that's just a tad too early :)
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Here come the day shift so I must leg it while I can. I will open the club on Wednesday unless beaten to it. Dont talk to TTFN Albs as I am getting concerned for my
Take care moonie. x
morning all - still no news ?? have a good one !!
Morning everyone. Lovely morning here at the moment
My thoughts also are with Welshy and Sylvia.
Morning TOH x

Rowan has posted ini B&S :(
Morning all, sad news from rowan here http://www.theanswerb.../Question1000283.html
Good Morning moonie and all
I add my sentiments to these two lovely people
Good morning everyone, hope you all have a cracking good week. Cloudy but calm today, and seems quite warm for this time of year.

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Good Morning All.

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