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Bag of Haribo Fizzy Cherries

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joggerjayne | 12:18 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
... for breakfast.

Well, that's one of my "5 a day" taken care of.


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What is G&B ?
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green and blacks
I think its the sourness or the acidity, they make me feel shiverry like if you have an aversion to something, I used to love cola cubes and cherry drops, they were as part of school as the uniform :)
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not sure what my fave horibo is, def somethign fizzy other wise they're jelly sweets bleurghhhhh
"do they make the back of your ears go funny cazzz?"

Wish i can make the back of her ears go funny.........grrrrrrrrrr, a howl....and not forgetting a woof :0) xx
Well I'm happy that I ate a double egg butty and toblerone before I read about the wax factor. Cola cubes a bit dull IMO I do like fizzy cola's though... not if its haribo that do them but I do like the sour type fizz.

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Bag of Haribo Fizzy Cherries

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