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And I still have access, does aftersun and sun protection have a shelf life? I can't see anything on the bottles.
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It's a name I've invented for what I keep coming across in Germany. They seem to think that it is cool to use English words in advertising and I see it frequently on the side of vans etc. This is... ...
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.....all the gear, no idea. One pundit said they are the worst team in the tournament. The fans are kitted out, or kilted out, and will probably be the best in the tournament at boozing.
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And when the hip joint is painful the outside of the ankle is sore, too.  I guess it's because I'm trying to adjust my gait and using a walking stick. Isn't decrepitude a dreadful... ...
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I'm hoping to see the King and his daughter-in-law looking well. I'll toast their health with a cup of coffee.  Will you join me?
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Did it in two, still can't show the squares, Kindle doesn't let me. 3 greens 5 greens
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For the starred-out word in a post to be known to moderators or is the actual word not logged?
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Cant do this *** anymore.  
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In and out of court and in and out of hospital again. been sobber kj 5 month and fell offf th wagaon. Im 58 next week, think ive had it..  
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Wife's Facebook applet updated on her iPad this week along with a lot of other applets. Now a couple of days later she is getting loads of notifications from groups she appears to be following but... ...
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Good evening!   I hope that you're all well and you've been enjoying the glorious British summer weather that we've all been having lately.  (Well, I can dream, can't I?)   I managed my usual... ...
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sandyRoe will take the opportunity to sample Radler lemon beer?  It's said to be very refreshing and, at 2%, wouldn't cloud their judgement or apprecation of the game.
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Cards are not cheap, but I imagine most of them, like mine, end up in the dustbin meaning millions of pounds squandered each year which seems such a waste.   What do you do with yours? 
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..........was an absolute nightmare last night. It took me 2 hours to get from Anfield to the M62, a distance of 5 miles. I suppose when leaving Liverpool, everyone's heading in the same... ...
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...a win for Germany in tonight's match against Scotland. Leaving aside his probable bias towards the home team, would it be worth following his prediction and have a small bet on Germany?
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Couple of friends called this week and both of course had their smart phones with them. I don't have any but I was wondering is there a watch I can buy just to count the steps alone.  
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.... and we've got the central heating on.  Anyone else?  Global warming?  More like global colding.  
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There's an advertisement on FB offering fake £20 notes. I thought it was a joke and asked how much they were as I'd like to have some to use as spills to light my cigars. They replied, Join our... ...
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mine are good feelings when stuffed nose clears,i am happiest on earth  
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I washed a sink full of dishes this morning, emptied the kitchen bin, and ran the vacuum over the carpet. I suppose it's because I don't want her to think I usually live in squalor. Anyone else do... ...

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