What a beautiful morning! Bright sunshine, with a slight breeze. The washing line is just begging for me to put something new on it lol! Have decided that today I am finally going to ask the guy... ...
🐎 🐎 They're off .... to wish Ken a great birthday with family and friends ... lots of goodies and refreshments as well as loads of luck on the Gee-Gees to make a memorable day. Happy Birthday,... ...
Are you happy? Growing up I don't think the question ever came up. Sure I was sometimes worried/stressed/bored but I was probably too busy to ask myself "Am I happy". I'm still not sure where I am... ...
Hello again! With the first four answers correct in the main quiz, I was hoping to repeat my maximum score of 7 out of 7 from last week. Alas, that was as far as it went though 🙄 So that's FOUR... ...
The instructions for use include a paragraph under the heading 'How to boil water'. So pleased they told me. Have you seen any instructions that go just that bit too... ...
(I'm not posting this in 'Music', as there are those here who don't think that the Eurovision Song Contest counts as 'music' at all!) Here's this year's UK entry. Predictions for its placing in... ...
And the sun is shining again! Best be careful as I could get used to this lol. Quite a busy day ahead - work this morning, then a break for a couple of hours why I go and do the shopping with my... ...
Good morning! Up early today,cats fed, washing machine on, quick cup of tea whilst walking round garden. Lovely and bright, and it doesn't actually feel cold either. I could get used to this dry... ...
barry1010 I also refer to the Site Rules 11. Any posts asking or discussing why a post or thread was removed or closed, or why a member was banned or suspended, will be removed. ... ...
I stopped looking into them after I caught a glimpse of an old man looking back at me. I was shocked, thinking there must be some dark, satanic power at work. Can you manage without using them?
And it's dry outside again with the sun hinting that it may join us for the day! That's all we need - a good few days of dry weather & sunshine to perk us all up! Yesterday morning I put a whole... ...