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_sophie_ | 20:36 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Feel like crap today! Sorry.. another moan is to follow.
Went shopping yesterday, haven't been in a long time so looking forward to it, neeed some jeans but they all look bad. No money anyway. No job and desperately need one. Overweight. Can't diet. Workload is heavy. No good things in wardrobe. Gym was an absolute fail today. I FEEL RUBBISH! Need some summer holidays i think!
P.S. do special k type diets actually work? Does it do what it says?


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Hallo sophie.....
it could be just a fat day?

thats never a good day to try new clothes
I have many days like this :|
Did you ever find a new foundation btw?
aww cheer up
I've had terrible trouble getting jeans lately - they're all just wrong (too skinny, too baggy, too dark, too tight, too loose, too long, too short, etc). Maybe you should go looking for a different pair of trousers and under the rules of Sod's law you wil probably find the perfect pair.
Hiya Sophie, I felt exactly like this last wednesday, It will pass and things will get better, I know that sounds like an unreal cliche but it's true.
Also don't get bogged down about all kinds of diets, Last year when I was training for the mini marathon I found the best way to lose weight/tone up was when I cut down on all the midnight feasts and junk food, have what you like in moderation but walk/run at least once a day for 30 works..Although it can be so damn hard been healthy all the time haha
Look on the bright side, you go to the gym xx

Hope you are okay??? *hugs*
Chin up sophie, my daughter is having a really rough time too, she's lost her job today, no money, split from husband and supposed to be going on holiday in two months time, she's paid for most of the holiday already. I'm in bits because I live a long way away from her, and can't do much to help her. I've tried to tell her that the bad times won't last forever and she will eventually come out at the other side better than before. I hope to God it won't be for much longer.
All I can suggest to you is set out your goals to follow, and mean it. Look for a job. Go to the gym and really work at it and start your diet. Don't know about special k diet but its a start. Then think about clothes and holidays. If you do get the job you can then put away some money every week for a holiday and clothes when you've lost some of your weight.

Chocolate will make you feel better. When I was your age I was about 9 or ten stone and my mother nagged me to lose weight, I got obsessed with trying to lose weight and now (at 47) I am hitting 19 stone.

Fukk the world and eat chocolate.
wish i could afford gym and i have a job! Do loads of walking everyday. X
although what workload is heavy?
Shoot me down in flames but have you looked at the new lately? Puts things into perspective sometimes.
Been sat/slept in this chair for 2days as I had an accident, cant walk & have to crawl to loo. Living on bikkies & water as its all I can reach just now. I know there are others much worse off than me.

Glory that you're not laid up sophie :)
Seems so many people being made redundant at the moment ....

This country is so shot up at the moment.

At least at work today , I was able to offer someone a job.
Good feeling when you find the right person and they are not already working.
Stop being so bloody negative and miserable. Suck it up and get on with it!

(that's called tough love). x
To be fair, Sophie is about 15 or 16 (I think) so what gets her down is going to differ a lot from what gets most of the rest of us down.
If you mean the Kellogs diet (2 bowls, 2 meals, 2 weeks); it is only recommended for people who have a BMI which puts them in the 'overweight/obese' range so just for slimming down within the 'normal' weight range it might not work; know you say you're overweight but I used to think I was overweight when I was 16 and weighed 8- 81/2 stone! Would look positively starved if I weighed that much now!

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