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are you listening to Music or watching tele while you type.???.

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Bobbisox | 10:25 Tue 22nd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
I sooo want to go out in the sunshine but my friend is calling for a recording I am doing for her,,,she didn't say when though

so I am listening to Adele, her 21 album
superb it is


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wheaten you must be over the west are you?
I think the East was getting a lovely day today but cloudy in the West
sorry to hear about the job knock-back
What is it you do?
Yes, in the west (I think), English/Welsh border. Husband's work (police) brought us here to a wee broccoli town so I had to give up a full time library job that I loved so just now I'm trying for any P/T work in shops or offices to tide us over (he wants a holiday this year!). I want to move to a bigger, nicer town with more opportunities and sunshine! Right, must dust now and wipe dog nose smears off windows or Mother will tut!
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have fun, hope you get some sun to brighten your day wheaten..:-)
Listen to Radio 4 program about Schubert. Melancholy and bleak.
Broccoli? lol. Probably nicer than what I wrote!
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Sandy I love listening to Classical too
Starting to cloud over on East Coast after a sunny morning Slow movement of the Eroica, Beethoven. No longer, "She who must be obeyed" has a job for me.
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ss, jump to it ship mate...

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are you listening to Music or watching tele while you type.???.

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