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joggerjayne | 10:57 Wed 23rd Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
... he's not the father.

And they seemed like a really nice couple.


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Damn those DNA tests...
Jezza Kyle huh JJ?
Who, what?
are you feeling ok jj???? lol x
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Bit sad, actually, Stokey.

The guests on JK are usually weird, and it's a relief when they're not the father.

But that guy seemed so nice.

Bit odd looking, but a very nice guy.
ohhh jeremy kyle that explains a lot jj lol
Still the risk you take when you sleep with more than one man at a time...
So who was the father? Or do you not yet know as they're still sifting through the options... the best mate? the brother? the guy's Dad perhaps? Gotta love the Jeremy Kyle show...
Don't tell mean.....somebody actually WATCHES this stuff?
looks like mother loves it... its the worst thing about going to see her
its car crash telly, i love my mondays off when i can sit with a cuppa and shout at the telly :-)
mercia: glad it's not just me! Don't know what's worse - the people who decide to go on this show or the people who CHOOSE to watch it!

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