ok im sure im not the first to ask this question but i accidently put a small amount of petrol in my deisel cat thirty pence worth is this going to cause me problems
Luckily, diesels will burn just about any oil based liquid, from vegetable oil to aviation fuel; they'll all make it go. Petrol is actually one of the better things you can put in a diesel engine, besides diesel of course. The other way round however is far more serious, if you put diesel in a petrol engine do not start it, drain the tank straight away.
Many years ago, lorry drivers used to add a small amount of petrol to their diesel tanks every time they filled up in freezing conditions. This would make the diesel less likely to freeze up. Of course these days it is not necessary as the manufacturers add a antifreeze additive to the diesel.
duh jonny that is really bad.... Denis has it and given the quantities involved in the tank you will be ok......gasoil does actually have some trace gasoline in it from the cuts and blend management involved in refining - and there is always some blending up and down the barrel, given what time of year it is and the demand/supply of products.