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18 year olds

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bednobs | 18:18 Thu 24th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Hi, i have been invited to my nephews 18th birthday party. What do 18 year olds like as a present? My 18th was soooo long ago, but i remember getting keepsakey things and money. What could i get him (bearing in mind i'll probably be spending 150 quid in fuel to get there and 300 quid on a hotel)


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they want alcohol or cash generally lol
Scrabble or Monopoly ;-)
Mr CRXs nephews werent best pleased when we bought them those dolly loo roll holders when they left for uni
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i think it's going to be cash. It has the added advantage i don't actually have to think about it!
Send him £450 and stay at home.
How much do you want to spend?
Yes on the alcohol - how about a share in the Wine Society....and start to get him versed in the pleasures of the grape.
May I add to McMouse's suggestion? Send him a ton and your quids in.
McM.....just what I thought OR think of an excuse not to go.
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"Send him £450 and stay at home. "

I'm LIKING this idea!
£450 and stay at home....although I'm sure he'd love to see you but £450 as a present and you'd be his favourite Aunt :-)
£40 and throw in two or three bottles of good wine.....?
Question Author
however, i have already arranged dog and cat sitting, and am planning on some hotel sex, plus a good look round glasgow, so really the party is just on the side of a long weekend away!
for a lifetime of the Wine Society
who with bednobs? No 1 Devonshire Place, now a Hotel du Vin, would be top of my list
<<<and am planning on some hotel sex, <<<

Is that full board as well for 300quid?
<<What do 18 year old males like as a birthday present?>>

An attractive and willing 17 year old.
a date with a cougar................i can even tell you which places to find them in glasgow !
Definitely money they always want that.

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18 year olds

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