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bibblebub | 11:08 Thu 24th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
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I feel bad about my stupid comment now. I hope the reporter has recovered and is back reporting.
Can we laugh at fire-fighters getting high by accident?

(just trying to bring a bit of humour back to the thread, I'm sure bibble didn't mean offence)
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Just to let you know , my father was unconscious when he was brought home from work at the end of the afternoon and died in hospital during that night. He was 50 and had no previous history of strokes (as far as I know). I was in my teens at the time and was living at home. Since I have a similar physicality to him, genetics would suggest that I could be susceptible to this happening to me too.

So I do not consider strokes lightly.
no one................. no one was having a go at bibble, or anyone who laughed ummmm.
what i don't need is telling to 'lighten up'

here is a short story of about this migraine with aura.

about 18 months ago, a friends 2 daughters were run over by a van, whilst crossing the road. About one year after that, one of the girls, could not get out of bed, could not even talk. Probably in much the same way as our news reader here.
my friend was obviously in despair, he thought she had had a stroke. (she was 16 at the time) it turned out to be a migraine that mimics a stroke. (maybe has a result of the road accident)

how he could have laughed, if he known that at the time.
bibble, I never suggested you did and I am sorry about your dad x
Sorry to hear that bibble.

but something good may have come from this thread.

Well I'm sorry about that Mick...but you do need to lighten up and see this a thread as I'm sure it was intended.
read my first reply ummmm

then come back to me.

i did not judge anyone.
Funny vid Chuck :)
I've seen it before but it still makes me laugh.
I know Mick....and I didn't say anything about judging people. I'm just saying that it's not fair to make him feel bad for posting this.
I wasn't doing so.
my first post was to hopefully shed some light on what may have occurred.(having witnessed it) bibble should only feel bad if he knew what was happening, which hopefully, he didn't.
Agree :-)

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