are i being funny in saying my 9 and a bit yr relationship with donna1901 was enede by text message today, i finished work as normal spent hour or 2 2geva and she then text me telling me she didn't want me , could i leave our house and she didn't love no more. i feel after this time i should have been told to my face rather than the cowards by text. am i alone in thinking this
if i was your OH im not too sure id be happy at you posting these personal details on chatterbank. but i hope whatever happens the children"s wellfare comes first, good luck
thanks for the backing joe, i couldn't do it over the text to anyone, it has to be done to face then you can tell its meant. you can see peoples reactions and body language yet off a text you get nothing.
i gt str8 on the phone and she wouldn't answer, so i asked her mom if she knew anything and she was dead shocked by what i'd said and yet her mom lived next door. she told her mom and i got my things and went, i had to go today to collect some more stuff, she hadn't been back all night and still not come back ( i have to keep going round and checking on the dog)
i have to check on the dog as she wont give a damn about her, i cant take it tomy moms cus her dog will start humping her and my old avatar had me and her which i would have kept, but the little decency she had left was gone with the text so i wanted her not on my pic