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a belgian statue

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clairehunnie | 19:35 Sat 26th Mar 2011 | Crosswords
8 Answers
8 n 3 letters -a------ ---


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mannikin pis (answered several times already today)
manneken pis
So which spelling is it? Mannekin or Manneken cos if it's Manneken then what is Road with the following letters

__ E __ __ W __ __
BELTWAY, again, already answered...
Beltway (?)
-- answer removed --
The correct spelling is 'Manneken', as shown here on the official Brussels tourism website:

However, in the same way that the Anglicised versions of Brugge, Munchen and Wien are Bruges, Munich and Vienna, we often use 'Mannekin' in the country.

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a belgian statue

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