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Pitch TV warning

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moonraker558 | 20:34 Sun 27th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
About 2 years ago I purchased some items from Pitch TV, I have now received a bill from my card company for £99.95 for a purchase made on the 1st March this year. After looking in to this I came across this website concerning my problem only to find it appears to be common practice for this company to pass on your card details to other companies. I will be ringing my card company first thing in the morning. My advice is don't touch them with a bargepole.


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Have you tried your card company now? Some have 24 hour service for fraud reporting. I hope you get your moiney back. Theiving b****ds
too right maidup..they ought to be investigated..
Is that definitely what happened? Perhaps you inadvertently signed up for some sort of insurance to take place after 2 years
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Er no. They are just passing on your details.
Moonie, you should be ringing your card provider, not posting on here! - they will have a 24-hour lost or fraud reporting line, you need to stop your card now.
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Ok Boxy I am on it now.
Any news moonracker? How dya get on with the card company?
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Rang the card company last night and they told me to try ringing the company first, just come off the line to them , they have said sorry and will repay the amount back in to my account within 14 days so just waiting now to see if this happens.
get back to them tell them you want it back in your account today, don;t take no for an answer, you haven;t given permission to take it.

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