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Eughhh! crap nights sleep. :-(

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benny3008 | 11:50 Tue 29th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
couldn't get to sleep for worrying about my driving test today, eventually nodded off at 2 and woke up again at 3 with a very painful earache which made it even more difficult to get back to sleep, finally got back to sleep at 5 and woke at 7, a cracking 3 hours! :-( NOT! can't wait to get this driving test over and done with.


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Good Luck Benny. What time do you take the test?
Good luck with it benny. What time is the test?
You should be better this time as you know what to expect but stay alert and LISTEN to your examiner's instructions carefully.
Question Author
2:00, i'll be leaving at 1:00 for my lesson beforehand. and thanx all.
Fingers crossed for you Benny.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you benny ---good luck x
I'll keep my fingers, legs and eyes crossed for you Benny xx
all the best benny. don't forget to let us know how you get on so that we can congratulate.
or commiserate
I hope he has passed !!
Aww I hope he passes it this time round
Best of Luck Benny

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Eughhh! crap nights sleep. :-(

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